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It’s a cruel reality—no check, uncertain future for the over 1.5 billion 16 to 24 year olds in the world.   A few sobering youth unemployment stats–16% Canada, 19%  U.S., 20% U.K., Poland 21%, Spain, the highest in the EU at a devastating 42.9%. In France ( 6.09) the jobless rate has jumped just over 41% during the previous 12 months.  In Africa youth make up 40% of Africa’s working age population, and 60% of total unemployed. (World Bank 12.08)

Panoramix View: The young and checkless are today’s passionate pioneers of new political parties. This is not a fresh phenom as the disenfranchised have always fueled change. What is new is major swathes of the unemployed in the EU, U.S., U.K., Canada are educated and may have tasted the first concrete steps of career building before their livelihood evaporated.  Look for articulate, smart leaders to organize followers aligned by shared aspirations, fear for enough daily bread and an intolerance for a long term recession reality. Of course the Internet and mobile phones will greatly empower and facilitate the fervor of community building.